Blue Fruit
This variety was originally developed in the mountains of Oregon,
USA and later spread throughout America and Canada, where it
was massively cultivated, selected, developed and enhanced. The
original genetics was a cross between a purple Mexican variety, a
Thai Sativa and an original Afghani high-yield strain.
This strain is known internationally to be less stable than most seed
normally found for domestic use. But that doesn’t keep it from
being deliciously aromatic and having an incredible purple-violet
autumn colour that makes it one of the most beautiful around. The
instability is seen in mutant plants that grow deformed leaves, but
when they flower they are surprisingly aromatic and resinous.
sweet fruity aroma that ranges from pure intense fruit to a
combination of fruit and a strong acidy smell of Afghani mountain
Indica. This cannabis tastes sweet and fruity, like sweet red berries;
in some cases the smoking flavour is so intense it produces a longlingering aftertaste, which is why this is one of the most highly
sought after strains by fans of this variety.
Except for the growth of a certain % of mutant plants, the ones that
grow normally are quite vigorous; even the Indica phenotypes of
this variety grow a lot more than most of the hybrids used; plant
height often needs to be controlled, especially when it’s grown
It is a good producer, although because of the great variation some
of the plants are more Sativa than others and deliver less than
average yields; but the sweetest flavour comes from these more
Sativa plants.
This particular variety produces more occasional masculine flowers
at the top of the buds than most of the well-known cannabis seeds.
Once again, the special quality, colour, resin, aroma and taste of
this little gem justify these shortcomings. The vast majority of the
plants that produce masculine flowers pose no problem; however,
cool growing temperatures are recommended and 50% humidity
level. Also, avoid light stressing tips of plants; it’s better to keep the
light level down for less stress.
They take on a purple-violet tone both indoors and outdoors when
nights are cold; the colder the nights, the more intense the autumn
colour of the plants.
Abundant resin, combination body-head high; psychoactive but
nicely balanced by the calming effect.
The ultimate combination of autumn colour, sweet berry aroma
and flavour, resin crystal covered flowers has captivated thousands
of growers around the world.