Paranoia's a B*tch, But it Doesn't Have to Be!
Whether you're into MMJ for the therapeutic benefits or you're looking for a strong, anxiety-free body stone with absolutely no stress or anxiety, Compassion Seeds fit the bill. These girls know how to chill, taking the edge off but still letting you function. From wake-and-bake to a relaxing bedtime ritual, this is a good, all-around smoke.
- 1st Place Best Medical Strain at Highlife 2014 in Amsterdam
- Calm, Pleasant, Tranquil - Goes Straight to the Body
- Medical & Recreational for All Day Toking
- ComPassion Flowering Time - 8 to 9 Weeks
Interestingly enough, Dutch Passion ComPassion Feminized Seeds are mostly Sativa, so you get all that famous quality without any nervousness. She does her thing with precision (7-8% THC & CBD) inside or greenhouse style, but the big DP does not recommend these resin-encrusted beauties for outdoors. Heights and yields are mid-range and the smell is simply to-die for. Buy now & find out exactly how great they are in about 8 to 9 weeks post flip. Enjoy!
Now that you're sold on the benefits of ComPassion, let's talk about why you should always buy Rhino. We've got the best deals, the best seeds and the best customer service on the planet. Try us once & you'll be hooked - or horned - your choice.
Get Some ComPassion Today - Order Your Feminized Seeds Now!
NB: Don't forget - The Rhino only sells cannabis seeds for souvenir & novelty purposes. Keep them, treasure them, preserve them , but don't get them wet. Germination happens & it's not legal in the UK.