Superb OG
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Superb OG(1981)
All information on the Rhino Seeds website and any Rhino Seeds promotional material or packaging is for informative purposes only and is not intended to condone, promote or incite the use or cultivation of illegal and controlled substances. Please note that this information comes directly from the breeder and is readily available online. Please read our legal disclaimer for more information
With so many OG Kush varieties on the market, the Heavyweight Seeds team set about producing a really spectacular specimin bringing together the best of all this strains’ attributes in one plant.
After several years of rigorous testing for quality and flavour they are finally ready and proud to introduce their Heavyweight Superb OG, where true connosieurs of cannabis will find the ultimate in strength and flavour.
With it’s mouth watering lemony diesel flavour, and it’s combination of indica and sativa producing a wonderfully relaxed, yet euphoric effect, Superb OG is simply Superb, and one of the finest examples of the Original Gangster taste and strength we have ever sampled!
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In 2008, the founders of Heavyweight Seeds were blown away when they saw the mother's a local supplier was working with. They managed to talk this dude out of a few cuts that they smuggle back to Spain where they created their own fabulous gene pool and started selling their own 100% feminized & fully autoflowering cannabis seeds. What makes Heavyweight Seeds different? If a strain isn't able to flourish in the harshest conditions, doesn't return at least 10% when extracted or yield like a boss, it's out of there! This breeder never accepts good enough, and neither should you. Order your genuine Heavyweight Seeds now.