Sagarmatha Seeds Feminized

Sagarmatha feminised are top quality

If you’re never content to follow the pack, get your feminized seeds from a leading force in the cannabis industry. Sagarmatha mixes things up with a completely different approach to feminized seeds. Instead of simply putting their current strains through the feminization process, this breeder created a brilliant set of brand-new genetic blends that are like nothing we’ve ever seen before! 

Information on cannabis seeds is for information purposes only, it is not intended to encourage anyone to cultivate cannabis or illegal and/or controlled substances. Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in the UK unless you have an appropriate license issued from the home office. Rhino Sells Seeds for storage of cannabis genetics only.

Some names, like Blueberry Bud and Stonehenge, will be familiar. But newcomers like Purple Pinecone and California Train Wreck are guaranteed to spark fresh interest.

Sagarmatha Seeds Feminized
Cup Winner
Flowering Time